Wurfbude Ohne Titel DNA Europan Leuchtturm EU Kreuz Oppurtunisten Freiheit  
Quadripode Zentrifuge Ohne Titel Crashtest Blauer Engel Leierkasten Jetzt gehts los Max. 1 Minute  
Scala Periskop Prototypen 2 x 280 Grad 110 - 270 Zimmer 21 Boot Kal. 50  


US flag, German flag, flagstaffs, pedestal, vacuum cleaner turbines,
motion sensor, remote control unit . 3,67 m x 0,6 m x 0,5 m.
Anyone walking between the two flagstaffs will trigger a strong stream of air
that makes the flags, hanging at half-mast, wave at each other for about four seconds.

Geht´s schon los?
